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3 Healthy Ways to Get Rid of Excess Body Fat

Are you trying to lose weight in time for summer? Do you want a nicely defined stomach? Although there are a lot of 'miracle' products out there that claim they can get rid of your fat in less than a few weeks, most of them won't work for one reason. A lot of those products should be viewed as complements and not as the direct solution to helping you lose weight. The only way to lose weight is by maintaining a healthy diet and by doing exercise on a regular basis. In this article, we have a look at three healthy ways to get rid of excess body fat. If you keep up with a strict weight loss regime then you'll see great progress in one or two months.

The first healthy tip to getting rid of excess body fat is to drink a lot of water. 75% of your body weight consists of water and it can help you lose weight in several ways. For example, if you drink two cups of water before a main meal then you won't feel as hungry, this reduces your overall calorie intake since you'll be eating less per meal. In order to lose excess body fat, you need to have a calorie deficiency and not a calorie surplus. Water also plays a big part in stimulating saliva production. One function of saliva is to help you break down the food you consume so it is important that you have a plentiful supply of saliva in your body, especially while you are eating. If you can stick with drinking water and no other beverage then you will see an immense different in your body shape after a few months.

The second tip is to do a mix of strength and cardio exercises. Most beginners only stick with cardio exercises such as running. Although cardio helps you burn a lot more calories, it is important to also take part in strength exercises for the purpose of toning your body. When your muscles get stronger, they start to burn calories more efficiently. If you want to lose weight quickly then you should do at least thirty minutes of cardio exercises every day. For strength exercises, you should look to do two or three sessions per week.

The third tip to get rid of excess body fat is to eat smart. First, make sure you are burning more calories than you are consuming. Second, make sure your diet is well-balanced. You should never sacrifice minerals such as vitamin C from your dietary plan because they serve important functions for your body.

Read more about losing excess body fat [http://www.doguyslikefatchicks.com/3-ways-to-get-rid-of-last-bit-of-excess-body-fat/] by checking out the author's website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Z._Chan