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What Are Some Good Low Impact Exercises To Do At Home?
Low Impact Exercises You Can Do At Home
There are many reasons that you my find it difficult to exercise due to joint pain.
Some reasons you may have joint pain are listed below:
Being obese or overweight puts additional stress on joints, cartilage, and bones, especially those in the knees. It also means you are less likely to be physically active.
Shin Splints
Your shins throb and ache after your daily run or just sprinting to catch the bus.
Shin splints are very common. Runners might get them after upping your workout intensity, or changing the surface you run on
The Aging Body
The older you get, the more common it is to experience mild soreness or aching when you stand, climb stairs, or exercise. The body does not recover as quickly as it did in your younger years.
Low impact exercise can help strengthen muscles and keep bones strong. Exercise also improves joint mobility. Forgo heavy-impact exercises, such as running and squash and begin doing more low-impact exercises. For an exercise to qualify as low impact, one foot must always be in contact with the ground or your weight must be supported by water or by a machine. Activities such as swimming, yoga and cycling are all easier on the joints.
If you prefer to workout within your own home then here are some useful low impact exercises to help on your journey to a fitter you.
Kettle bell
Kettle bell training is a great all round workout delivering you your cardio and strength results. It can also help with balance flexibility and coordination.
A total body workout that you can store away almost anywhere in your home easily.
The Recumbent Exercise Bike
Recumbent exercise bikes are a great low impact exercise machine providing you with a great cardio workout most of them have level adjustments and preset programmes. Recumbent exercise bikes shouldn't take up too much space and don't require too much balance and coordination.
Elliptical Cross Trainer
Elliptical trainers move in a fluid oval motion. Not only is this cardio machine joint friendly, it is also super versatile. You are able to work your arms as well as legs and as with the recumbent bike most come with adjustable levels and programmes.
Low Impact Bodyweight Cardiovascular Workout
You can get a low impact cardio and strength workout using only your body.
Try using exercises like v sits, Russian twists, press-ups, triceps dips and half squats. The list is endless, basically move in your comfort zone and make it as hard or easy as you like.
So there you have it there are plenty of ways to get your low impact workout. Change your routine regularly and most of all enjoy.
Always consult your doctor for advice before embarking on a new exercise regime.
Come and see us at http://www.buffathome.com to read our blog and visit our health store.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tim_P_Thompson