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Top 3 Moves for a Toned Lower Body
Even though you might skip the leg day by looking at others and hence prevent yourself from shaky and funny legs throughout the day, maybe even the second one, but it is no secret that the lower body is just as important since the legs are where the body's primary balance exists, and hence as much as you hate working out with your legs, you must do it to stay fit and increase your balance and your base. Given below are three popular multi gym exercises you can perform to work your lower body, particularly in the areas of inner thighs, calf muscles, hamstrings, and quadriceps.
The American College of Sports Medicine suggests committing to an average of one to three sets which includes 8 to 12 reps of while doing resistance-training exercises and then having a rest of 2 to 3 minutes after each set. You can do these without weights or with weights according to your preference, but make sure to choose the right weights based on your body structure and strength level.
Traditional Squats With Weights: To perform the long-known squats with extra weights for a challenge, place the dumbbell weights on your waist, with the feet away from each other around shoulder-width level, back straight, engaged core, and slightly bent knees. Confirm all these positions are met, and then begin your squats. If the weights start to feel heavy, use lighter ones or keep them away until you can do it well without weights. Then, you can start with weights. When you continue to keep doing squats in this form, you can feel the quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calf muscles working. You can then proceed by isolating and working the muscles by squatting down for two counts and then back up for two.
Calf Raises With Weights: Hold your dumbbells next to each other, directly in front of you and lift your arms to the chest level. For giving your upper body a bit of workout during this exercise, keep the shoulders away from your ears and your elbows bent and also a framed position. Next keep your toes and knees facing outward in a pilé position, core engaged, knees bent, and straight back. Then, to work the calf muscles, lift each heel up the floor and once again, if you feel it is too strenuous, ditch the weights and save them for later.
Pilé Squats: Pile squats simply means to bring the weights down and resting them on your thighs then turning your toes and knees in an outward pilé position. The form to be carried out for pilé squats is to keep your back straight, core engaged and knees slightly bent. Point your glutes back and make sure that the knees don't come over the toes. By turning the knees in the outward position, you will start to feel your inner thighs doing some work as well.
For getting desirable results out of these exercises, try to perform them at least thrice in a week in the amount of sets and reps mentioned before.
Discover many more fitness tips and tricks right here here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Enozia_Vakil