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Three of the Best Exercises for Building Great Abs

If you're in great shape, you'll have no issue with stripping off and showing off your abs for all the world to see. If you're out of shape however, then you'll want to stay covered up as much as possible. If you're fed up of being out of shape, here are three of the best exercises for building a great set of abs.

Spiderman plank crunches - These exercises are great for targeting the abs and the obliques and they're very easy to do.

Begin by starting in a regular planking position with your forearms firmly flat on the floor and your body completely straight.

Next, bring your left knee forwards towards your left elbow, and then return to the original plank position. Repeat all over again, but this time bring your right knee towards your right elbow.

Repeat for as many repetitions as required.

Bicycle crunches - Bicycle crunches are also great for the abs as they work the upper and lower abdominals. They get their name because the exercise mimics the action of pedalling on a bicycle.

Begin by laying flat on your back with your hands placed behind your head.

Lift your legs and bend them until they're at a 90 degree angle.

Next, bring your left elbow up towards your right knee, and then your right elbow towards your left knee. Alternate between the opposite elbows and knees and repeat as necessary.

Leg raises - Leg raises are another great example of an exercise that will target the obliques and the upper and lower abdominals. Here's what you need to do:

Start off by laying down flat on your back, with your legs stretched out fully in front of you, and your hands at your sides with your palms pressed firmly on the floor.

Next, slowly lift both of your legs into the air at the same time, keeping them firmly pressed against each other. Lift them up until the soles of your feet are pointing at the ceiling.

You should then slowly lower both legs at the same time, keeping the rest of your body perfectly still. Lower your legs until they stop around one inch from the ground, and then lift them back up into the air until your soles are pointing at the ceiling once more.

Repeat for as many repetitions as you can.

You should begin to feel a tightness and a stretching feeling in your stomach towards the end of the exercise.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Andrew_Jowett