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Best Bicep Workout For Mass and Tone

I first want to go ahead and say that some of the best bicep exercises are actually back exercises. Most back exercises are compound movements as the bicep is recruited more often than not. These include supinated barbell rows and chin ups. A lot of people will tell you, because of this fact, you don't actually have to train your biceps directly but I happen to disagree and feel that isolation exercises can take your training to the next level and really sculpt your biceps.

To get really big and strong biceps, it is a wise idea that you focus your energy on the task at hand. We are going to start by making your biceps bigger using high volume training for 2 months and then 1 month strength training. Once you get your desired size, you can do the maintenance workout.

Okay, to get bigger biceps you need to fatigue them. The rep range isn't the most important thing, but it helps if this fatigue takes place in the 6-15 repetition range, so the bicep workout for mass will manipulate all of these repetition ranges. Rest between sets should be 30-60 seconds.

Best Bicep Workout For Mass

Barbell Curl - 4 sets. Select a weight you can do 6 reps on and do 6 reps. Lower the weight and do 8 reps and proceed in this manner for 10 reps and then 12 reps.

Preacher curls - 4 sets. Select a weight you can do 15 reps on and do 15 reps. Lower the weight slightly and perform 12 reps and repeat until you do 10 reps and then 8 reps.

Concentration curls - 2 sets. Perform 15 reps on these 2 sets. By this exercise your biceps should be really tired and these are designed to finish them off and develop the peak of the bicep.

Bicep Workout For Tone

To get really ripped biceps, it is best to combine a low calorie diet, some cardio and working your biceps the correct way by using strength training. For strength training of your biceps, select an exercise out of barbell curl, alternate curl or drag curls and do 5 sets. Each set should build on the previous one, building up to your heaviest set where you will perform 2 reps. To make the most of these 2 workouts, alternate between them, so do the first one for 2 months and the second one for one month and keep switching back until you reach your desired goal.

Here is a video of me performing the best bicep workout for mass, and you should consult my blog if you would like to know more about the listed bicep exercises such as proper form with video and also learn a bicep workout for maintenance once you are satisfied with your bicep size.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Michael_David_McIntyre