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Six Pack Abs - How to Get Them and Dispelling the Myths

Six pack abs are perhaps the most sought after and desired aspect of building muscle and weight training. Unfortunately for most people they are also the most difficult thing to get. Why? Well for starters there is a lot of bad and wrong information available to people searching for those rock hard abs. Below are some common myths that people believe when it comes to getting six pack abs.

1. The Best Way To Get Abs Is To Do Lots Of Ab Exercises

This is one that is believed by many, many people and exploited by just as many people trying to sell Ab machines and workout plans. A lot of people think that spending an hour doing every abdominal exercise possible is the best way to get a Six Pack. Anyone that regularly partakes in weight and fitness training will most likely already have a good set of abdominal muscles, because they are used in a lot of the core exercises that make up your workout plan, even if you don't realise it. The reason it doesn't look like you have Ab muscles is because they are hidden by a layer of fat. So to see the muscles you need to remove this layer of fat. This won't be achieved by hours of abdominal exercises, but be eating less and doing more Cardio work.

2. You Can Choose Where To Lose Fat From

It would be great if "Spot Fat" removal was possible. It would make getting Six Pack Abs much easier. Unfortunately it is not possible to choose to lose weight from your stomach, you hips etc. All you can do is lower the overall body fat percentage, and your body will choose where the best place to lose this fat from is. The bad news is, that the stomach is usually one of the last places fat is taken from, so your going to have to work hard to get those Ab muscles showing.

3. There Are Exercises Specifically For Developing The Lower Abs

Some people often get the top four abs showing but not the lower ones, and wonder if there is a specific exercise they should do to get those bottom ones showing. There are no exercises for this. Again if you want these lower Abs to show, you need to lose more of the fat that is covering them. So its back to the Cardio work.

4. Six Pack Abs Require Expensive Equipment

There are many machines available that claim to be able to get you Six Pack Abs quickly and easily, but trust me these machines are a waste of money. If it was as easy as buying a machine and using it every so often, everyone would have a Six Pack and they wouldn't be so sought after. Some of these machines have you doing no work at all, while the machine does everything for you. Do you seriously think this is going to get you anywhere? These machines are all useless and unnecessary. You will get better Ab workouts by simply doing Sit-Ups and Crunches

So How Do You Get Six Pack Abs?

The best way to get Six Pack Abs, it to stick to your usual weight training programme, but add 10-15 minutes of abdominal exercises at the end of your workout. While Ab exercises are not the main factor in getting Six Pack Abs they are still important. While losing body fat is the main aspect, Ab training has its benefits too. Strong Ab muscles will give you a better core strength which will help support the back muscles, and is also very useful in a number of sports.

So if you want Six Pack Abs, eat less, eat better, exercise more and do more Cardio work.

If you want a great 6 pack, check out my Truth About Abs Review [http://buildmusclegains.com/The_Truth_About_6_Pack_Abs.xhtml] which will look at Mike Geary's Truth about 6 Pack Abs, and direct you to where you can buy truth about abs [http://buildmusclegains.com/The_Truth_About_6_Pack_Abs.xhtml]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matthew_Hutcheson