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Best Bicep Workout for Size - Get Huge Arms With This Simple Trick

Which is the best bicep workout for size? There are many people who have struggled for a long time to the big biceps of their dream. Many are frustrated because after doing bicep exercises without results. One reason why this happens is that they might not be doing the right exercises. In fact there are more bicep workouts than the rest of the upper body put together. You should be doing the best bicep workout for size if you want to increase the size of your biceps. But the question that comes up immediately is which the best bicep workout for size is. Here are a few suggestions.

Close-grip chin-up

In your search for the best bicep workout for size, you will come across the close-grip chin-up many times. This workout is one of the closed chain exercises. In closed chain exercises the hand and the legs do not move but the rest of the body moves. This kind of exercise has been proven to stimulate the muscles to growth. This makes the close-grip chin-up perhaps the best bicep workout for size.

Barbell Curl

This is another workout for building big biceps. The barbell curl is done by holding the barbell in front with the knees slightly bent. The elbows should be kept at your side. Curl up the weight as high as possible without moving your elbows. The bar should be around the mid-chest for this exercise to be effective. If the bar is too high your elbows will swing in far out. Squeeze the biceps as you lift the bar and lower it gradually. Don't allow your arms to straighten before you start all over again.

Cable bicep curls

It is said that free weight exercise are the best for bicep development, but cable exercises such as the cable bicep curls have the advantage of putting more tension as you do the motion lift. You feel the weight better at the top of the lift because you get to squeeze the biceps harder as compared to the barbell curl. You cannot rely on this alone for big biceps but when combined with other bicep exercises you get fantastic results.

Remember that knowing the best bicep workout for size is not a guarantee for having huge biceps. It takes hard work to grow muscles. In addition you cannot grow muscles if you don't eat the right kind of food. Your diet should contain more protein if you want bigger biceps.

Follow the best bicep workout for size and you will start to see great results. If you really want to get amazing results, you need to know the key to succeed. Check out this free report that helped me pack on massive muscle in weeks.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Roeder