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The 3 Reasons Why Boot Camps Wreck Your Body!

In 20 years of being a personal trainer, every boot camp I have ever seen made me cringe!

The Fact of the matter is that I have never seen a fitness boot camp that didn't tear up peoples bodies or actually produce real, lasting results. I see people who stay in these fitness boot camps for years and never lose that "last ten pounds," gain proper strength, or end up looking and feeling like they had hoped for. The one thing I see them gain, were injuries.

Here are the 3 main reasons to avoid boot camps exercise classes:

1)Fitness Boot camps push you further than your body can handle.

Lets take a look at Sally. Sally is 55 and works and sits and works at a desk 8 hours a day hunched over a computer. Sally is fairly active. She takes moderate walks and hikes with her dog. She skis, and she eats "healthy". But she is frustrated because she has been slowly gaining weight and the pain in her low back and neck has been getting worse and worse. She has made the effort to put herself on a program but she doesn't know all the aspects that are required, she doesn't know how to put it all together, and she doesn't have the support system in place to see her succeed. So a friend of hers tells Sally that her mother's brother's son's girlfriend (who is 27 by the way) did a boot camp and now looks amazing, and it only took a couple of months.

Sally is PUMPED she Googles "Fitness Boot Camps"and calls the first company on the list. She is excited and signs up for the 5:30 am boot camp and dreams of a day when she can look like she did when she was in her 20's. After a long day at work, she is going to bed at 11:30 pm, and she forces herself to get up at 5am to workout. She gets to the class which has 24 other people along with her and only one instructor. After some light static stretching they are off! Running, squatting, trying to do pull ups, and something called power cleans. She is wrecked afterward and a kind of in pain, but Hey... "No pain. no gain." And Sally is proud of herself for doing "something."

Wrong! Sally was not ready for this type of load on her system. Yes, she does some light activities (walks with her dog), but the majority of the time she is sedentary. So to make her go from 0 a 1,000,000 is not the smartest thing to do. A proper progression is needed for each person.

2) No thorough evaluation.

Just taking your body fat and signing you up for classes is not a thorough evaluation. Where is Sally coming from? What does she want? What can she safely handle? All this and more needs to be factored into a program designed for her.

Keeping in mind the above description, we know that she has low back pain (among everything else). Just from that one symptom, there could be numerous causes that need to be considered. Her lumber discs could be compressed causing a bulge, herniation or worse prolapse. She could have her arteries, veins and nerves compressed from a tight Ilio-Psoas and fascia Illiaca. Her lumber erectors and thoracolumbar fascia could be tight and not moving. She could be dehydrated etc, etc, etc. When evaluating somebody, a personal trainer has to keep in mind HOW COMPLEX the body is! Because each of the 24 people in Sally's class need something a little different... Segway

3) No Individual Adaptation.

To "just move" around is not enough. There is a popular phrase that says "you just gotta get out and move!" Well, sure you have to move. Movement is required! But if you want to achieve a specific goal, then a plan needs to be put into place. Just like any other goal.

First and foremost, your program needs to have a good solid structure. If you don't have that structure in place, then loading your body in all these "fancy" and "new" workouts will eventually lead you to an injury. Once your structure is in place, then you have to have a program that directs you toward what you want. If you have a goal to lose weight (like Sally) then that is a different program than gaining strength and/or gaining flexibility.Be wary of the boot camp class that promises it all!

So when Sally and her 24 other Boot campers are running around doing exercises she may be hurting her back more, while some others may need to work harder, and a select few are getting exactly what they need.

Remember not all exercise is created equal. You need to find out what works best for you.

Ekemba Sooh is the owner of SolCore Fitness Personal Training in Santa Fe, New Mexico. He has been a personal trainer for 20 plus years and believes that everybody should be able to live there best life.They offer Personal Training, Semi-private Small Group Training and Group Exercises classes. All of these use a holistic program which is based on Osteopathy where a balanced body is the key. Weight loss, being pain free and having a stronger body are all byproducts of this balanced body. Check out the unique program here http://www.solcorefitness.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ekemba_Sooh