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New Year New You Exercise Tips And Strategies That Work

There's good news for people who don't have much time or energy to exercise: the cumulative effect that comes from daily exercise increases the value of minimal daily effort.

If you want to get into great shape focus on creating daily consistency for your workouts- no matter how brief each workout may be. Daily consistency- defined as the steadfast adherence to resolution- has one fundamental requirement: self-discipline.

Cumulative effect requires passage of time- it kicks in automatically when you stick with any plan long enough.

Cumulative effect doesn't require lengthy workouts or tons of energy. Cumulative effect requires perseverance, self-discipline, and the passage of time.

Perseverance and self-discipline are character traits that are available to anyone who sets an intention to practice them. With perseverance and self-discipline you can work out daily for a few minutes and over the course of time experience measurable cumulative results from your efforts.

Although believing in your process and having a good workout plan are important, using your self-discipline to establish daily consistency for your workouts will get you farther than anything else.

The contingency for experiencing cumulative effect is you can't quit too soon. You don't need either a lot of time or energy to reap the benefits from the cumulative effect of consistency. Beyond all else, cumulative effect requires one thing: passage of time.

Most strength training movements using dumbbells can be done in 20-30 second time increments. One strength exercise that requires only 20-30 seconds to complete will yield measurable results for the muscles involved in that movement- when the cumulative effect of daily consistency kicks in. Start with one movement- bicep curls would be a very good first choice.

Don't have time for your planned workout? Change your plan. Don't skip an entire workout because you don't have time for what you had planned to do. A five minute workout, consistently done daily, has real value and will keep your habit strong.

You can lay a foundation for your fitness success with a minimal amount of daily exercise for two reasons:
1. a little leads to a little more: as your body, mind, and lifestyle acclimate to daily exercise you'll likely desire to gradually expand your efforts.
2. A daily habit is the strongest habit and strong habits survive.

Of course you don't want just one great muscle. Eventually you'll want to create a well-rounded exercise plan for yourself.

Lengthy intense workouts, sweating, or jumping up and down, are not requirements for good health. Doing a little bit every day is far better than doing more but working out less frequently.

What you don't know when you're new to and exercise habit is how good you'll feel from working out or that working out doesn't need to be difficult.

Going to a gym is great- but don't rely on it. Work out at home sometimes. The day will come when you either don't have the time or money for the gym. Home workouts can be fabulous.

Create good health through the cumulative effect from daily exercise. Instead of becoming an encumbrance, your stronger body will facilitate your lifestyle.

Cumulative effect of daily consistency is like magic dust sprinkled onto your good fitness habits. Create this magic fitness dust through the conscious choice to practice self-discipline and perseverance.

Style your personal fitness plan for sustainability: a suitable difficulty, intensity, and time duration.

The important thing is to start where you are and do what's within your personal power to be fit.

Have you tried everything in your struggle to be fit? Don't quit until you learn from Frankie O'Brien and Nina Lomax- two friends with 80+ years of workout experience and wisdom to pull from. These two moms encourage those who struggle to eat right and exercise. They provide instructional workout videos and encouraging articles about food and fitness strategies. Visit http://www.FitHealthyLady.com andhttp://www.GetFitWithFrankie.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frankie_O'Brien