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6 Abdominal Exercises For Your At Home Workout
The myth has been busted. You can do 10,000 sit-ups a day and never get your six-pack abs to show. Spot reduction just doesn't work. The truth is, if you build muscle over your whole body, your body will burn more calories all day and night. Here are some abdominal exercises you can do at home that will build your larger muscle groups and burn fat faster.
Knee Ups
Do this one while watching TV on the couch. Sit on the couch and put your hands to your sides, pointing away from you. Leaning back slightly lift your knees to your chest and back down but do not touch the floor.
Knee ups will work your lower abdominal muscles and your quadriceps, two big muscle groups. It will also work your stabilizer muscles. Do 20 reps an hour for every hour you sit in front of the TV.
Leg Raises
During the commercial breaks, lay down on your back in front of the couch with your hands gripping the bottom of the couch. With your knees bent slightly raise your legs to about 30 inches off the floor. Then lower back down to about 3 inches. Do 20 reps of these during each commercial break up to five sets.
Immediately following your leg raises, lift your legs about 12-18 inches off the floor and move them in a bicycling motion. Do 20 reps for each leg. This should take less than 30 secs and then it is rest time. Starting to feel the burn? You are killing those lower abs and hips, building muscle and burning fat.
Turn around and rest your calves and feet on the couch. Make sure you take your shoes off before putting your feet on the couch! Place both hands in front of you just above your knees and reach for your feet. Go up at least 4-6 inches and back down, but not all the way. Make sure you keep tension on your abdominal muscles through the whole set of 20 reps. Almost done.
Reach and Touch
While still in the crunch position, reach with both hands and touch the couch on the right side and then the left side. Do 10 reps for each side.
This exercise works your stabilizer muscles throughout your entire core. There are many ways of doing planks. I recommend starting with propping yourself up on your forearms and toes, lifting your body just a few inches off the floor. Hold this position for as long as you can. Your goal is to hold it for 2 minutes. Give it a try right now and see just how hard it is!
Visualization is a very important part of your abdominal exercises workout. Studies have shown that people who have used this technique achieve greater and faster results. You will want to visualize a few things. Picture in your mind what you will look like with a rock hard six-pack and how you will feel about that.
As I am doing these exercises I also imagine my abs being on fire. The fire is burning the fat off of me. I picture this for at least an hour after my abdominal workout and every time I move and feel my tightened abs throughout the day. What a great feeling.
In conclusion, it comes down to how hard you are willing to work to get a toned flat belly. Start off slowly with just one set of these exercises a day. As you build strength in your abdominal muscles you will want to do more and more. Once you drop your first pant size you will have all the motivation you need to keep going.
For more great ab workouts, go to my blog at Flat Belly Diet. For 50 awesome tips for losing belly fat without dieting click here
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Chris_C_Burrows