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4 Simple Principles to Building Better Legs

Whether you want well-defined legs as a guy or sexy legs as a gal, certain principles apply.

This article will not focus on form or technique in order to get better legs but the principles behind it all. Once you know these 4 principles, you can focus on shaping your legs through exercises you choose; whether you want to focus on isolation or compound type of movements.

Principle 1 - You need to Challenge your Legs by Lifting Weight

If good legs have eluded you in the past, it is usually because you have some genetic limitations in this muscle group. However, nutrition and proper training can overcome these inherited restrictions. Some basic things to note:

If your body fat is high then a layer of fat will be covering your buns and legs. You will need to focus on cardio and diet in order to lose this layer of fat

If you have little to no discernable muscle mass in your legs then you need to focus on hypertrophy training or in other words training to grow your muscles

For women - you basically want some fat covering your glutes (buns) but you need to add some muscle below the waist for a better looking lower half

For men - the lower your overall body fat percentage, the more well-defined your legs will look

Principle 2 - Focus on Hitting the Six Major Parts of your Lower Half

In theory, your legs should be sore after every workout whether you choose compound or isolation exercises. That way you can feel and see the results. An example of a compound exercise is a squat as it works almost all the muscles in your lower half, in one move. An example of an isolation exercise is a leg curl as this move primarily works the hamstrings.

In order to get a great pair of legs you have to focus on exercises that target the following six parts:

Quads (front thigh)

Hamstrings (back thigh)

Inner thighs

Outer thighs


Glutes (buns)

You should be working out your lower half twice per week if your aim is a stunning pair of legs. Make sure you have proper rest and recovery by resting for at least 48 hours in between workouts, as a general rule of thumb. In addition, there are exceptions - even if it is three days later - if you are still sore give your lower half proper time to recover.

Principle 3 - Check for Muscle Imbalances

There is no point in having great legs if you are in knee and lower back pain from trying to achieve them. Check yourself for any muscular imbalances in your lower half. If you do not know, a muscle imbalance is exactly as the name implies. When one side of two opposing muscles is stronger, you get a muscle imbalance, which causes pain. For example, if you have a muscle imbalance where your quads are stronger than your hamstrings then you are more likely to have knee and lower back pain.

Here are some quick tips for checking - some muscle imbalances in your lower half:

Look at your shoes. Is the outside of your shoes near the heel area more grinded than the inside? Your outer thighs are probably stronger than your inner thighs.

Can you squat with 65% of your body weight while holding dumbbells? If not your hamstrings are probably underdeveloped.

Get on the leg curl and leg extension machine at the gym. Your one rep max on the leg curl machine, should be 60% as strong as your one rep max on the leg extension machine. For example, if your one rep max on the leg extension is 100 pounds then your one rep max on the leg curl should be 60 pounds.

Ask a local trainer at your gym to do some assessment tests for any muscle imbalances.

Principle 4 - Find out your One Rep Max for Every Exercise You Do

To do this find a one rep max calculator online through an internet search. Before testing, be sure to warm up and rest in between lifting. From there, you can either start working your way up to the heaviest weight you can lift up once or pick a weight you think you can lift 10 times and see how many times you can actually lift it. Go to that calculator and crunch those numbers. Once you do, you will have a clear picture of what your 1RM/one rep max is.

Now, we will use the leg curl as an example - you need to:

Curl 70% to 80% of your 1RM. For example, if your 1RM is 100 pounds you need to curl 70 pounds, minimum

Perform the exercise for 8 - 12 repetitions

Do anywhere from 3 to 6 sets

Rest only 30 to 90 seconds in between sets

You will now be focusing on muscular hypertrophy, which will cause your muscles to grow. Once you focus on the six major parts that make up your lower half you will begin to see results.

If you have found this article useful, please share it with other people who are also looking to build a great pair of legs.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Marvin_D