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Isometric Chest Exercises - Quick Way to Develop Chest Muscles With Simple Isometric Chest Exercises

If you're looking to build a muscular -- defined chest then you might want to consider isometric chest exercises instead of the normal push-ups and bench presses.

To get the best results from your Isometric Pec training you should consider using an isometric exercise device, resistance bands, or free weights. In this article I will show you a simple freehand isometric exercise.

However, if you can afford to spend a few dollars... in the long run an Isometric Exerciser will allow you to become stronger than just using your body weight

As with any exercise program it is best to check with your doctor before you begin. As mentioned earlier the most effective exercises to build your chest are isometric chest exercises. They are easy to perform and take only seconds.

Doing Isometric Exercises not only will yield you phenomenal results but are also fun.

Here is an example of an Isometric Pectoral Exercise

1. In a standing position place your feet your feet at approximately hip distance ellipse with your toes pointing forward.

2. Bend your knees slightly.

3. Bring both hands to the center of your chest at approximately where your sternum is.

4. Place your right fist into the palm of your left hand. The left hand fingers will then go over the knuckles over the right hand.

5. Keep your elbows outwards and away from your chest.

6. Begin to push inwards slowly using the same amount of resistance from either hand. Squeeze intense your chest muscles as hard as possible as you're doing this exercise.

7. Do not hold your breath... in fact read him before you do the exercise and breathe out as you are applying the resistance (breathe out as you are actually doing the exercise.)

8. Continue to push inwards and hold for a count of 10 or 10 seconds.

9. Release the tension and relax. Wait for approximately 30 seconds to one minute then repeat the exercise.

This exercise is just as effective as doing push ups. Try it for the next 30 days and you will see remarkable results. Before you begin using this isometric exercise perform a test.

Get down on the floor and see how many push-ups you can do. Record this number somewhere then begin doing your isometric workout each day-- five days per week utilizing a 7 to 10 second hold. At the end of 30 days go back and see how many push-ups you can do you will find that you will be able to do many more than you did the first time around.

Would you like to add 15 to 20 pounds of hard muscle to your body with your Isometric Workout?

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Frank_Sherrill