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Get a Better Abs Workout - Exercises to Compress the Abdomen
Having taut abdominals has many benefits besides looking good! Strengthening your transverse abs (TVA) can not only flatten your belly, but it can also help reduce back pain, improve your posture, enhance your fitness training and prepare for childbirth. The key is in abdominal compression.
To get in touch with your TVA, do this simple exercise: Without moving your pelvis, draw your belly button toward your spine as if you were zipping up a tight pair of jeans or "making your pants loose". Whenever you hold your stomach in, you are working the TVA. You often work this muscle without realizing it, for example to keep your back straight when doing a push-up.
The compressive nature of this muscle makes it a natural corset, keeping the lower back stable and supporting the abdomen. If you are very overweight or pregnant, the ab muscles get stretched out and don't work as efficiently as they should. Conditioning the TVA facilitates all stages of pregnancy, from pre-natal to postpartum recovery.
The exercises that target the TVA are performed with the trunk in neutral spinal alignment. They are also called back stabilization exercises. As you perform the movement, the deep abdominals work isometrically to keep the pelvis aligned. If you have a spinal condition like osteoporosis, these exercises provide an excellent alternative to crunches, which round the upper back in spinal flexion and can place stress on the vertebrae.
The secret to getting the most out of these exercises is to pull your belly button toward your spine.
1) Leg Lift with back stabilization:
Lie on your back with one knee bent, foot on the floor, and the other leg extended.
Tighten abdominals and buttocks, keeping your back in neutral position. Raise the straight leg 12 inches and hold for 3 counts. Lower leg to the floor without resting and repeat 10 times.
Switch sides. Progress to making circles with the raised leg.
2) Alternating Kicks:
When you can maintain neutral spine alignment in the previous exercise, move on to Alternating Kicks. Lie on your back with your legs raised, knees bent over hips, calves parallel to the floor. With your arms at your sides, press the backs of your hands into the floor to stabilize your shoulder blades. Tighten your abs and slowly straighten one leg, lowering it as close to the floor as possible without arching your back. Bring your opposite knee in closer to your chest.
Pause, then slowly return to the starting position and repeat, alternating legs, for 10 reps (one rep = both sides).
3) Plank:
Begin with a half-plank from the knees. Lie face down with your arms bent, elbows close to your sides, palms down. Tighten your abs, creating an arch under your stomach. Keeping the abs tight, slide the elbows forward directly under your shoulders, and lift the hips off the floor, creating a straight line from knee to shoulder. Hold for 30-60 seconds.
When you are ready to progress to a full plank, lift up onto your toes, straightening your legs. Maintain length in your neck and a straight line from your shoulders to your ankles. The weight of your body and gravity will pull your torso toward the ground, and your low back will tend to sag. Draw in your belly button to keep proper alignment. Again, hold for 30-60 seconds.
By doing these exercises you will benefit from improved core strength, tighter abdominals, and a stronger back, all of which create better posture. As a bonus, you'll appear taller and slimmer!
For expert guidance on abs workouts, including step-by-step color photos depicting the exercises and a live-action DVD, please check out the book 15-Minute Abs Workout by Joan Pagano at http://bit.ly/dwS4Sq
Joan Pagano is an authority on the benefits of exercise for women's health issues such as pregnancy, breast cancer, menopause and osteoporosis as well as strength training through the decades. For more about Joan, please visit http://joanpaganofitness.com
(c) Copyright - Joan L. Pagano. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Joan_Pagano