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Could This Be the Best Chest Exercise Workout For Perfect Pecs?
OK, maybe I am being a little optimistic with my title here but if your looking to develop a chest that makes women gasp then this workout could just be right for you. Now before I continue I must point out that this workout is more focused on getting you a chest that looks like an Armani underwear model or like the guy on the front cover of men's health or other similar publication. If you are looking to improve your bench press weight then this is not the workout for you as the main focus here is not strength but building and shaping the chest muscle.
What do perfect pecs look like?
I must point out here that my chest has been my problem area ever since I started training and has been a constant source of frustration. That said the advice I am offering here has really helped me get the look I have been after for many years.
For me a good masculine chest has square hard pecs rather than the more softer and rounded looking ones. This look is achieved by developing the upper portion of the chest which to be honest was an area I didn't work on too often favouring the more traditional chest workout on a flat bench press. This meant that the lower chest was OK but I didn't have upper pecs and therefore my shoulders were dominating my chest and making it look smaller and rounded.
Here are my best Chest exercises to build the Upper Pecs.
So to get some muscle in the upper chest I recommend that for now forget all flat bench chest work and just focus on doing incline-pressing movements. The best exercise to start your workout is my personal favourite and that is the incline dumbbell press. I like dumbbells better because they give you more range of movement and control so you get a better pump and can really work that hard-to-reach inner part of the upper pecs. You know the bit that if developed properly gives the cool looking line that bisects the pecs all the way to the collar bone
1. Dumbbell Presses on a incline bench: I like to start with the angle at about 30 degress and do a set of 10 -12 reps. Then to work the whole of the upper chest I move the angle up to the next setting after every set until I can't do more than 5 reps with the original weight I started with.
2. Barbell Incline Presses: To fatigue the chest even further I then do incline barbell presses using either a free bar or a smith machine. I have the bench at 20-45 degree angle and position it so that when the bar comes down it almost touches my neck. I don't go too heavy on this but focus on really slow rep speeds to put the muscle under a lot of tension and fatigue the muscle fully. If your training alone then this is best performed on the smith machine if your gym has one.
3. Cable Crossovers: These are really included to give extra shape to the pectoral muscle and in particular to develop the inner chest so you get the separating line look that defines the mid and upper part of your chest. You can achieve this with incline dumbbell flyes but I feel with the cables I can create more tension in the middle of the chest by squeezing the muscles hard when the hands meet at the end of the movement.
Remember the best chest exercises are the ones that get results
The only best chest exercises are the ones that work for you. Therefore be prepared to be flexible in the exercises you choose and how you organise them. Having great looking pecs is not all about how big they are but more about whether they look in proportion to the rest of you and have good definition.
For Big Shoulders here are my 3 best exercises for shoulders <---Click here now
I am Howard Standring a Personal Trainer who lives in Southern Spain. I coach and advice men and women of all ages to help them achieve a lean attractive body that lasts for life.
For more workouts, advanced fat loss tips and muscle building advice to look like a Hollywood star or fashion model visit my blog http://www.energiafitness.com.
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Howard_Standring