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Complete Beginner's Abs Workout
All it takes is dedication and to follow a well balance diet and exercise routine and you could be well on your way to looking the best you ever dream of. Believe me when i say "it gets easier from there on", could possibly be a little emotionally addictive, in a good way of course.
Right, let get straight into it!
Abdominal exercises has to done targeting your abdominal muscle, if you are not doing it properly than you will not achieve results.
We all have 6 - 8 pack abs hiding under layers of fat around our belly. Despite rigorous crunches and sit-ups, without a proper diet plan to reduce the amount of fatty intakes, that's simply a battle half won.
If we go on food strike frenzy to lose fat and not work out, our abs will show vaguely so will our health and possibly anorexia. So remember always "balance is a MUST"!
Do you know that your abdominal muscle groups, if constantly exercised, will reduce chances of back pain, improving your posture, stabilize and control the body. Your strong lean six pack abs do more than a mere reflection of confidence.
The following are types of quick and simple abdominal work outs for beginners that will be categorize into 3 abdominal groups mainly upper abs, lower abs and obliques.
Abs Exercise For Beginners
Upper Abs Exercises
Basic crunch
Lie on your back with knees bent, keep your feet shoulder width on the floor, place your hand behind your head, breath out slowly pulling your abs in as your head and shoulders come off the floor. Lift straight towards the ceiling with your chin pointing up. Then hold the position for 2-3 seconds before you slowly lay back on the floor and repeat.
Demi crunch
Lie on your back with knees bent, keep your feet shoulder width on the floor, place your hand behind your head, breath out slowly pulling your abs in as you raise just a few inches off the floor. You should feel a contraction in your stomach then lift more towards the ceiling with your chin pointing up and return to the position when you were a few inches off the floor before you repeat again.
Hints: Make sure you pull your abs in tightly to protect your back and don't lower all the way to the floor.
Lower Abs Exercises
Reverse crunch
Lie on your back with your knees pull towards your chest. Place your hands behaind your head and breathe out pulling your abs tightly. When breathing out contract your lower abs so that your hip and buns are lift up from the floor and breath in as you slowly lower to the initial position. Don't rock! movement should be slow and steady.
Lie on your back with your hand tugged under your buns to get that slight tilt in the pelvic area. Lift both legs so that they are pointing to the ceiling. Pull your left knee towards your chest using your lower abs while you are at it. Push your left leg out with a steady motion and pull in your right leg towards your chest alternately using a push and pull motion with your abs.
Obliques Exercises
Obliques are muscles in your stomach which are found at both sides of your central abs. You can't get the ripped hard look not toning these muscles and the way to do that is to do obliques exercises
Russian Twist
To perform the Russian Twist you will a weight of some sort, you could get away with just your bodayweight being a beginner. Sit on the floor with both legs in front of you. Bend them a little if you must. Hold your upper body slight backward angle so you're using your abs to keep you from going all the way down to the floor.
Clasp your hands together in front of you. Begin twisting your torso moving it from side to side. Your hands should always be in front of you.
Obliques crunch
Lie on your back, leg bent keeping your feet on the floor with your hands behind your head. Slowly lift your upper body, reaching to connect your elbow to the opposite knee.
To perform a side oblique crunch, lie on one side and bend your knees. Place one hand behind your neck with the other under your thigh. Lift your body to squeeze the obliques at the top. After you are done with 1 side replace hands and repeat.
Beginners should attempt each exercise for 3 sets of 20 for best abs result.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ryanell_Evans